Fontanella Tomatoes
Since the beginning our family has infused harmony and expertise into our production protocol, ensuring traceability throughout the selective phases that define each processing step. From the initial choice of fields, our process is certified for safety, healthiness, and authenticity.
While our technology certifies the DNA of the selected tomato and its processing in accordance with the schemes, controls, and protocols mandated by European regulations, it is the enduring connection with the land, rooted in the “Fontanella family,” that truly cements our bond. This connection has never wavered over time.
As we enter people’s homes and sit at their tables, we inhale the same scents that still waft through the alleys or ride on the wind from one kitchen to another in the neighborhood.
We savor the same flavors of the past. This is our vision of a company-a genuine and authentic family.
Meticulousness and commitment: in search of perfection We are able to list an infinite number of reasons to explain why our products deserve to be present in the beliefs of every family, of every chef. But in a few words we summarize our day and our ten-year commitment to “the culture of doing well”

The flows are marked by verification checkpoints which comply with the rigid criteria of the company protocol and are activated on the basis of evaluation parameters managed by specialized figures responsible for following the correct execution procedure by the machines and personnel.
During processing, up to 30 checks are activated per hour. That’s why we don’t have drones looking for fields to fly over, but we rely on the eyes of the company fathers and their children.
This is why we don’t use tablets and touchscreens to analyze the tomatoes to select, but we rely on our hands. This is why we prefer shaking hands with farmers to emails. This is why the secret of tomato preserves is not a secret, but a heartfelt choice.